Amador Cruise Port

Amador Cruise PortPanama

Amador Cruise Port is an innovative waterfront and cruise planning project incorporating two twin-berth cruise terminals within a public park adjacent to an ecological reserve. Situated by the picturesque Causeway of Amador in Panama, the project embraces sustainability and resiliency, incorporating ecological strategies to reduce the carbon footprint substantially. Energy and water conservation and maximizing natural light and ventilation contribute to creating a state-of-the-art terminal complex that is unparalleled in the region. Each terminal is organized on two floors, with approximately 130,000 of each. One of the project’s remarkable design features is its outdoor elevated atrium entrance, creating a platform that serves as a warm, welcoming area to all guests with direct views towards the city across the bay. The project also focuses on designing complementary public facilities that could bring life to the site while the terminal is inactive. Some of these include the public stairs to the east that act as a lookout point to the sea, the restaurant deck, the art pavilion park on the west, and the biking trail that connects all of the previous amenities throughout the project.

Project Details
  • Year: 2017
  • Location: Panama
  • Status: Unbuilt
  • Client: Constructora MECO
  • Size: 150,000 SF
  • Team: Gustavo Berenblum, Claudia Busch, Renate Paris, Rafael Rama, Carlos Wong, Alexis Daniel
  • Image Credits: BBAmiami
BBAMiami - Amador Cruise Port The Embarkation Atrium with expanding waterfront views, overlooking the city beyond
BBAMiami - Amador Cruise Port
BBAMiami - Amador Cruise Port
BBAMiami - Amador Cruise Port

Why can't a cruise center be the greenest possible environment?

BBAMiami - Amador Cruise PortEcological strategies were adopted to decrease the energy footprint and substantially increase its resiliency and use of natural resources

What if we integrate the cruise center within an ecological preserve?